Examination of Workers' Preferences for Reinforcement Packages


  • Philomina Uhunmwangho Department of Office Technology & Management
  • Christopher Oguah Department of Business Administration Edo State Polytechnic Usen.


Extrinsic factors, Intrinsic factors, Motivation, Reward, Reinforcement packages


Reinforcement packages are a type of incentive strategy used by organisations to inspire their employees or employees' families. Compensation is a commitment that the organisation owes to its personnel as a means of compensating them for their contribution to the achievement of organisational goals. Employee motivation in the workplace is still one of the most delicate things to discuss since it determines the level of effort that employees will put forth in the business in order to commit to high levels of performance. Primary data were gathered from mini survey questionnaires provided to employees of Edo State Polytechnic, Usen, in order to identify several sorts of reinforcement packages based on the preferences of employees. According to the findings of this study, employees choose extrinsic benefits (such as cash or monetary compensation) over any other sort of compensation.

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How to Cite

Uhunmwangho , P., & Oguah , C. (2022). Examination of Workers’ Preferences for Reinforcement Packages. Edo Poly Journal Of Science, Technology and Management, 1(1), 16–25. Retrieved from https://edopolyjournal.org.ng/index.php/home/article/view/9